Coolin’ the pups

Animal shelter to install misting system to beat summer heat
Stacey Fontenot
Sunday, June 23, 2019

With the temperatures climbing, both people and animals are feeling the heat.

According to Jennings Animal Control Officer Chelsi Leger, the dogs at the shelter were in need of something to cool off a bit.

“I have a lot of big dogs with thick coats,” said Leger. “It’s entirely too hot for them.”

Leger said they had a number of fans for the dogs but that just wasn’t enough.”

The fans were just circulating hot air, she said.

She said she had spoken to someone with the Acadia Parish shelter who recommended a misting system.

“I thought this could be a good idea for us as well,” said Leger. “The misting system would provide a light spray of water to help keep the pups cooler.”

A request for donations was shared online with a link to the shelter’s Paypal account and people of the community came through for the shelter’s residents, she said.

“The cost for the system was around $100 and the money was collected in no time,” said Leger. “It has been now ordered. It should be delivered by Tuesday and we are hoping to get it installed in the kennel area on Wednesday.”

The dogs have a covered enclosure to keep them out of direct sunlight but there is no way to have air conditioning, she said. Leger said online reviews of the misting system say it can decrease temperatures anywhere up to 20 degrees by providing a constant mist of cool water near the kennel.

“Think about how hot it feels and how uncomfortable we as humans feel in the summer,” she said. “The human body sweats to cool down but dogs can’t do that.”

She said canines pant to cool off but that doesn’t dissipate heat quickly enough for them to stay comfortable.

Animals can overheat and suffer from heat strokes, which can result in serious complications.

“The dogs can become lethargic, pass out or they won’t eat their food, just to name a few issues,” said Leger. “That is why it is important to keep them cool during the hot summer months.”