“Discipline” a word that is pregnant with meaning. We can scipline” use the expression “being disciplined” to mean that one shows selfrestraint and has regulated his or her life in such a way that there is order and that one’s life is productive. We can also talk of “being disciplined” to mean that one is being punished by external forces or agents. Parents discipline their children in an attempt to help them develop that selfrestraint or discipline which is necessary for them to function well. In a spiritual context, discipline is likewise pregnant with meaning. There are a variety of practices which might be termed “disciplines,” such as fasting, praying, and obedience, which deepen our spiritual lives and help us develop the proper self-restraint in the spiritual realm. Selfrestraint is such an important character trait that without it life becomes chaotic. People who cannot restrain themselves find themselves addicted to drugs, incarcerated, and without the material resources to sustain their own lives. The religious disciplines are helpful in training people to be autonomous, self-restrained members of society, but many of us have forgotten how to do these things, which is why having a spiritual mentor or guide is important. Over the coming weeks, we will examine a variety of spiritual disciplines, including meditation, fasting, praying, and study, as well as simplicity, service and submission. Reflect on areas of your own life where you need to be more disciplined. – Christopher Simon