Richard Foster remarks, in the book Celebration of Discipline, “As the cross is the sign of submission, so the towel is the sign of service.” He goes on to explain that when Jesus had gathered his disciples at the Last Supper, they were quarreling over who was the greatest, and by implication, who was the least among them. Jesus responded by getting down on his knees and with towel and wash basin washing their feet, afterwards directing the disciples “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14 NIV) Think of the many ways that we can serve our fellow human beings. Just being courteous, friendly and helpful in your everyday dealings with people is perhaps the easiest way to be of service. Showing hospitality to your guests is another way that is available to many of us. You don’t need to live in a castle to open your home to others; an extra bed or even a couch may be sufficient for guests to sleep on. And when people come to visit, often they only want to spend time with you and they aren’t expecting to be treated like royalty. Another simple way to be of service to others is simply to listen to them. Consider how you might be of service to the people you live and work with, as well as those in your community.