Just as we grow and develop physically and mentally, we should do so spiritually as well. Children grow and learn in relation to their parents in much the same way that we grow and learn in relation to God. We go from being completely dependent on our parents to being an integral part of our family, helping with chores and supporting each other, and in the process, we should also grow in love and appreciation for our parents and siblings. As children of God we will always remain dependent on God, but we should also mature to the point where we are “pulling our weight” in the spiritual realm. Spiritually mature persons will take the initiative to pray and do good works without having to be persuaded by others. They are also willing and able to accept hard truths about their own failings and will work diligently to improve. The spiritually mature strive to become more like God, and to judge others not by their outward appearances but by their inner attributes. They are painfully aware of their own tendency to judge others more harshly than they judge themselves and consequently will be merciful in their judgement of others.