Directors, cast and crew of Chip Off the Old Block (CHIPS) High School theatre group celebrating together after the recent production of “Twenty Minute Romeo and Juliet” by Kristin Doherty. Pictured (in no particular order) are Thomas Frazier-Cole, Bailey Landry, Isabel Watkins, Brooklyn Atteberry, Allyson Treme, Braedon Trahan, Ava Broussard, Brooklyn Doucet, Shyla Swarna, River Trahan, Liam Landry, Hannah Minden, Morgan Litton, Elizabeth Bergeaux, Casey LaCoste, Elina Lejeune, Haylee Miller, Majid Oumarou, Jesse Ward, Lance LaFosse, Emily Davidson, Blair Bertrand and Ellie McMillin. The high school CHIPS group will be holding another production the the spring.