Committing to healthier habits in the new year often starts in the kitchen. Adding better-for-you recipes to your arsenal is the start of a more nutritionfocused lifestyle, and whether you’re a true home chef or just learning the basics, these dishes can be the gateway to a healthier you.
Calendar Guidelines Items for Community Calendar must be submitted during regular weekday business hours at least two weeks prior to the day of the event. Events run in the order of their posted dates and ONLY AS SPACE ALLOWS. Events more than two weeks away may not run until closer to the event. Community Calendar is offered as a public service bulletin for Jeff Davis Parish community and non-profit events. Send entries to To publicize your event in a specific format on a specific day or date, call 337-824-3011 to speak to an advertising representative.
Summer brings sunshine and plenty of exciting opportunities to head outdoors for fun with family and friends. While those joyous moments make the season special, all that sun exposure can wreak havoc on the skin without the proper precautions.
Dear Doctors: Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot more people are getting diseases from ticks? We just heard about a lady who lives not too far from here who died from a tick bite. It gave her Powassan virus, which I’d never heard of before. What is that? Is it as common as Lyme disease?
For many, summer skin care can be as simple as following a basic routine. However, those with more sensitive skin may require additional attention. Try this calming, cleansing athome remedy to moisturize and tone sensitive skin.