During the February meeting of Knights of Columbus Council 2012 from Our Lady Help of Christians (OLHC) Parish in Jennings Past Grand Knight and current District Deputy Carl Benoit (right) presented the Council’s Knight of the Month Award for January 2023 to Andy Naquin. Andy has been a member of the Knights since April of 2012 and he is a 3rd Degree Knight. Andy carries out an important role in the ACTS ministry (adoration, community, theology and service), a program which helps to revive and enhance the faith of participants. He played a vital and integral part in orchestrating the first Men’s ACTS retreat and first Women’s ACTS retreat in Our Lady Help of Christians Parish. All retreat participants have given the ACTS program rave reviews. For Barbecue Fundraisers in the past, Andy has sold tickets and helped to prepare the food and put together the meals. He did an exemplary job as chairman of the Church Parish’s Social Media Committee. Andy has worked on improving and expanding Parish communications on Flocknote, Facebook,Twitter and other social media outlets. He is an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, assisting in masses held in his church parish and at Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Elementary School. Andy is a convert to Catholicism who went through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) while in college. In OLHC Parish, he has assisted the RCIA Parish Coordinator and worked with candidates who went through RCIA. Andy and his father, fellow Knight, Horace, developed ways to improve the efficiency of lighting in the OLHC church building while saving the Parish some money on energy costs. Andy also worked to upgrade the sound system in the church building. He assisted in the installation of the new bell tower for Our Lady Help of Christians Parish. He also lent assistance in the planning and conduct of the exterior paint project for the church building. Andy Naquin has truly proved to be a credit to Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Parish and is an outstanding asset to the Knights of Columbus.