WELSH — Town officials here will be holding a special meeting on June 7 at the old city hall to discuss properties town officials feel should be condemned.
Jennings High School students take a break from finals and end of course exams to enjoy a nice spring day at Cutting Park. Daily News photos by Caitlin LaComb
In honor of National Police Week, Acting United States Attorney Alexander C. Van Hook recognizes the service and sacrifice of federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement. This year, the week is observed Sunday, May 9 through Saturday, May 15.
As a rule, I read few biographies, and certainly not of authors, people whose most significant life events are spent alone. In my case, Churchill, Swift and Dostoyevsky are the exceptions that prove the rule: world historical figures who can’t be understood outside the context of their times.
(AP) – Fewer Americans are reluctant to get a COVID- 19 vaccine than just a few months ago, but questions about side effects and how the shots were tested still hold some back, according to a new poll that highlights the challenges at a pivotal moment in the U.S. vaccination campaign.
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) — U.S. educators are doing everything they can to track down high school students who stopped showing up to classes and to help them get the credits needed to graduate, amid an anticipated surge in the country’s dropout rate during the coronavirus pandemic.