2020 meeting of Knights of Columbus Council 2012 from Our Lady Help of Christians Parish in Jennings, Grand Knight Carl Benoit presented the Council’s Knight of the Month Award for August to Horace Naquin. Horace has sold tickets for the annual KC barbecue fundraisers on his own and after masses on coffee and donut Sundays, ending up helping to sell more than his quota of tickets. He has helped move the barbecue pits into position prior to the day of food preparation. He also helped to prepare the food for customers on the day the meals were distributed. Horace has proven to be a very handy man to have in the Council when it has come to fixing things. He helped plan and orchestrate the installation of new LED lighting in the Our Lady Help of Christians Parish (OLHC) Church building, and this effort has brought about savings in electricity costs and has improved the safety of the entire church structure. He also worked diligently to improve the sound system within the church building. He has provided valuable insight into the repair of the church building roof. He spearheaded the project to erect the bell tower by the church. He did an exemplary job of garnering donations for this project, and was personally involved in the mechanics of building the support structure for the bell. He coordinated and oversaw the renovation work done to the exterior of the OLHC Church building, and he generated some outstanding results. He most recently supervised the work done to save an old tree next to the St. Mary’s Center parking lot. He also worked at the OLHC Distribution Center, which provided much-needed support to those adversely affected by Hurricane Laura. He is a member of both the Finance Committee and Cemetary Committee for OLHC Parish. His legacy of Knighthood will continue as his two sons, Gavin and Andy, are both members of the Order and of his Council. Horace Naquin has truly proved to be a credit to both Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church Parish and Knights of Columbus Council 2012.