In New York City, people smile at the first snowfall of the season and admire its ability to put a clean, fresh facade on a city which is often weary from all those tired, poor, huddled masses it originally invited and must now accommodate.
Hello again, dear readers, and welcome to our monthly letters column. Virtually all of the mail we received in the last month concerned the coronavirus vaccine. In fact, we heard from so many of you, we need two columns to cover it all:
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. John Bel Edwards is proposing more than $21 million in guard pay raises for Louisiana’s prison system next year as the state struggles with recruiting and retaining people for correctional officer jobs.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli archaeologists on Tuesday announced the discovery of dozens of Dead Sea Scroll fragments bearing a biblical text found in a desert cave and believed hidden during a Jewish revolt against Rome nearly 1,900 years ago.