Jeff Davis 4-H Junior Leaders have been busy since the summer by holding gatherings and working with various organizations in the community. The following is an explanation of what the club members have been up to: • Officer retreat - The 2024-2025 Jeff Davis Junior Leader Club officers held their annual retreat in July. Officers in attendance were President Averi Thibodeaux, Hathaway High School, Vice-President Thea Demary, Jennings High School, Treasurer Mary-Grace Bertrand, Hathaway High School, Secretary Lily Duhon, Blazers, and Parliamentarian Evan Ardoin, Hathaway High School. Officers began their day at the 4-H Office, participating in teambuilding activities and planning the Junior Leader Club calendar for the year. Officers planned monthly club meeting activities, discussed fundraising activities and selected their service- learning project for the year. The 2024-2025 Junior Leader Club servicelearning project will focus on the elderly population of the parish. Throughout the year, Junior Leaders will visit the various nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout the parish to donate collected items, visit with the elderly patients and assist with activities. The retreat concluded with a trip to Mr. Gatti’s. Officers were assisted by Assistant 4-H Extension Agent Sonya Guidry and Assistant 4-H Extension Agent Kyndal Comeaux.