The Citizens' Bank of Jennings was organized Saturday evening. The list of stockholders includes some of the wellto-do men of the town and country. The cash capital is $20,000. A commodious banking house will be erected this fall, and the new institution will open its doors for business with the coming New Year. The following officers were chosen: President, Dr. E.M. Burke; vice-president, D.D. Andrus; cashier, J.H. Hoffman; directors, Dr. E.M. Burke, D.D. Andrus, J.H. Hoffman, E. Scharff, D. Hebert, E.I. Hall, A.D. Mc- Farlain, A.W. Favinger, Jean Castex; advisory committee, E. Scharff, A.D. McFarlain, Dr. E.M. Burke.